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CS606 Finalterm Paper

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GMT + 3 Hours CS606 Finalterm Paper

Post by Diya Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:57 am

1. Difference b/w the l-values and r- values
2. Short not on common sub expressions
3. What is the live variable analysis
4. In main memory what type of information is stored
5. What does the compiler consider when apply the optimizations
6. Write the 3 examples of function present transformations
7. Discuss briefly the 1st section of Ycc
8. Eliminate the common sub expressions, 1) A=6(A+B) 2) D=3+7(B+C) 3)A*(B+C)
9. Give the brief description about symbol table
10. Fine the algorithm to DFA on LALR (1)
11. What is the importance of symbol table
12. Make the 3 adress code of given grammer by rules that are given (from old papers
13. Aik table tha match karna tha

Taurus Goat
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Join date : 2011-02-08
Age : 33

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