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British police charge six with terror offences

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GMT + 8 Hours British police charge six with terror offences

Post by Maryam Mirza Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:31 pm

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LONDON: British police said Sunday they had charged six men who were arrested last week in Birmingham as part of a major counter-terrorism operation targeting extremists.

Four men were charged with preparing for an act of terrorism, and two more with failing to disclose information, West Midlands police said.

One of the men charged with failing to disclose information was also charged with terrorist fundraising.

Unarmed officers detained seven men, all from Birmingham, last week.

The officers arrested six suspects at or close to their homes in Birmingham, central England, between 11:30 pm (2230 GMT) on September 18 and 1:00 am on the following day. They arrested the seventh man on Thursday.

Police said all the suspects were British passport holders.

The six men, aged between 25 and 32, will appear at West London Magistrates Court on Monday.

Irfan Nasser, 30, Irfan Khalid, 26, Ashik Ali, 26, and Rahin Ahmed, 25, will face charges of engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts.

Nasser and Ali are accused of planning a bombing campaign and stating an intention to be suicide bombers.

Nasser and Khalid are also accused of visiting Pakistan to receive training in bomb, weapon and poison making.

Bahader Ali, 28, and Mohammed Rizwan, 32, will face charges of failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism.

Police said they were still questioning the seventh man, aged 20.

Police also arrested a 22-year-old woman last Monday on suspicion of failing to disclose information that could help prevent of an act of terrorism. (AFP)
Maryam Mirza
Maryam Mirza

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GMT + 8 Hours Re: British police charge six with terror offences

Post by Diya Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:38 pm

nice Smile

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