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Lebanon tribunal names 4 suspects in Hariri killing

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GMT + 3 Hours Lebanon tribunal names 4 suspects in Hariri killing

Post by Rao Muhammad Aftab Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:32 am

AMSTERDAM/BEIRUT: The U.N.-backed Lebanon tribunal on Friday released the names, photographs and details of four men wanted for killing statesman Rafik al-Hariri, saying it acted in a bid to speed up their arrest.

Lebanon received the indictments and four arrest warrants from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) last month. While the suspects were not named then, Lebanese officials said the accused were members of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah accuses the tribunal of being a tool of the United States and Israel and denies any link to the 2005 assassination.

Pre-trial judge Daniel Fransen ordered the lifting of confidentiality on the full names, aliases, biographical information, photographs and charges against the individuals named in the indictment, the tribunal said in a statement.

"The Prosecutor further submits that making the requested information available in public fora may increase the likelihood of apprehending the accused in the event that any of them are noticed by the public," the tribunal said in a statement.

There was no immediate reaction from Hezbollah, but an analyst said the release of the names was unlikely to help catch the suspects because the men were no longer in the country. (Reuters)
Rao Muhammad Aftab
Rao Muhammad Aftab

Pisces Snake
Posts : 1091
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 35

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