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Hazarganji-Chiltan National Park

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GMT - 3 Hours Hazarganji-Chiltan National Park

Post by Simba Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:59 am

Geographical Location:30'17'N-67*13'E
Physical Location:20 south-west of Quetta in the province of Baluchistan 
Total Area:15,555 hectares
Date Established:1980
Best Time to Visit:March to September

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Hazarganji Chiltan National Park, is another beautiful national park of Pakistan. The area is mountainous with precipitous slopes divided by ravines. The Chiltan Hills and Hazar Ganji Range lie west and east, respectively, of the north-south Chiltan divide. It can easily be reached from the provincial capital Quetta and attracts many visitors. Facilities include a museum, picnic spots and accommodation in rest houses. 
This park was primarily establised to provide refuge to the endangered Chiltan wild goat or Markhor. In the 1950s it was said to exceed 1,200, but in November 1970 the population was estimated to number about 200, based on a total count of 107 individuals. At present the total population of the Chiltan wild goat is estimated to be about 800. The Suleiman markhor is also present in the northern part of the Chiltan Range and a few urial still survive on the western slopes between 1,500m and 2,100m. Carnivores include Stripped hyaena and Red fox.
Mammals in the park include--Chiltan wildgoat or Markhor (T), Suleiman Markhor (T), Urial sheep (Gad) (V), Indian wolf (R), Stripped hyena (V), Leopard (?), Caracal (?), Jackal (C), Red fox (C), Porcupine (C) and Desert hare (C).
Note: T=Threatened, V=Vulnerable, R=Rare, C=Common, ?=Unknown.


Birds in the park are--Houbara bustard, Griffon vulture, Egyptian vulture, Honey buzzard, Laggar falcon, Peregrine falcon, Kestrel, Indian sparrow hawk, Scops owl, Common cuckoo, European bee-eater, Rock partridge, European nightjar, Long-billed pipit, Orphean warbler, Variable wheatear, Blue rock thrush, Stonechat, and Lichtenstein's desert finch.
Reptiles in the park are-- Monitor lizard, Russell's viper, Saw scaled viper and Spiny tailed lizard.

  • WWF-Pakistan

  • UNEP-WCMC Protected Areas Programme

  • Picture Credits: WWF-Pakistan

Cancer Buffalo
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