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Dengue fever: eight more perish

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GMT + 8 Hours Dengue fever: eight more perish

Post by Maryam Mirza Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:15 pm

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LAHORE: Eight more people perished of dengue fever in Lahore climbing the death toll to 100 across Punjab and 91 in provincial capital, Geo News reported.

According to the details eight people died of dengue virus in Lahore during last 24 hours.

At least 434 new patients have been diagnosed with dengue fever in Punjab, with 389 belonging to Lahore.

Meanwhile, a rush of people is continuously on rise in city hospitals causing hardships to doctors and staff in providing treatment to the patients.

During the two days campaign, different teams will go door to door to make people aware of the dengue virus and its prevention.

A walk was also held for awareness about the fever, in which doctors, nurses and a large number of people participated.
Maryam Mirza
Maryam Mirza

Libra Goat
Posts : 981
Join date : 2011-06-18
Age : 32

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