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'End is near' for Kadhafi: Britain

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GMT + 3 Hours 'End is near' for Kadhafi: Britain

Post by Rao Muhammad Aftab Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:33 pm

Updated at: 0245 PST, Monday, August 22, 2011
LONDON: Britain on Sunday said "the end was near" for Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi as rebel fighters launched a final push for victory with an attack on the capital Tripoli.

"It is clear from the scenes we are witnessing in Tripoli that the end is near for Kadhafi," said a statement from Prime Minister David Cameron's Downing Street office.

"He has committed appalling crimes against the people of Libya and he must go now to avoid any further suffering for his own people," added the statement.

Libyan rebels Sunday fought their way into Tripoli, where music played in the streets as residents celebrated, but Kadhafi has refused to surrender even as NATO said his regime is crumbling. (AFP)
Rao Muhammad Aftab
Rao Muhammad Aftab

Pisces Snake
Posts : 1091
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 35

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