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Attack Force - Modern Arcade Shooter

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GMT + 3 Hours Attack Force - Modern Arcade Shooter

Post by ali001 Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:49 am

Attack Force - Modern Arcade Shooter is an arcade shooter game in which you fight the enemies in air, land and sea. Fly a plane/Helicopter, drive an Armored car/rocket launcher and fight with a destroyer/Battle cruiser ship in this multiple modes arcade shooter game. Very Happy
Fight your way through dozens of enemies including airplanes, ships tanks artillery and many more. Upgrade your vehicles to destroy your enemies and withstand the enemy non-stopping fire. Develop your evading skills in order to advance through enemy lines.

Attack Force - Modern Arcade shooter main features: I love you I love you

- Fight in three modes: air, land and sea
- Choose between 2 vehicles in each mode
- Earn stars and buy new more powerful vehicles.
- Upgrade your weapons for more fire power
- Fight many enemy types including fighter planes bombers artillery tanks rocket launchers cannons and many more.
- Challenging levels and beautiful sceneries

Download Link:
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Libra Horse
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Join date : 2017-11-08
Age : 33
Location : England

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