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Romanian gifts for William & Kate

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GMT - 11 Hours Romanian gifts for William & Kate

Post by Maryam Mirza Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:24 pm

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BUCHAREST: Romanian jeweller Ovidiu Paraianu has created two special rings and an ornamental key which he hopes to give to the Queen, her grandson Prince William and his fiancee Kate Middleton on the occasion of the prince's wedding.

Paraianu, a former coal miner from western Romania, has already created jewels for French first lady Carla Bruni as well as royalty in Spain and Saudi Arabia and told Reuters on Friday he would like to give his gifts to the royals personally.

The gold rings -- one for the queen and one for Kate -- are studded with diamonds and rubies and feature miniature maps of Great Britain. The key, which can be used a tie clip or as a brooch, is embossed with the initials K and W.

Paraianu declined to provide a value for the jewellery.

"They are presents, not anything else," he said. "The value is symbolic." (Reuters)
Maryam Mirza
Maryam Mirza

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